Thursday, March 1, 2012

haiku my heart

Gina's camera
catches color and culture
ethnographic art

I met Gina Santi over a year ago. She is a fabulous artist that has taken many wonderful photographs around the world. I particulatly love her pictures of doors. She is showing her work here in Phoenix at the Barrio Cafe beginning next week. I plan to go see the show. Feeding my addiction to HOT chilies,
Habanero /chipotle, Mexican food, to ART, and the value of light.

Linked to recuerda mi corazon
haiku my heart


  1. Love the photo! The colors just seem to jump out at me. Enjoy all that good food and art.

  2. Ah, Habanaros. A woman after my own heat, er, heart. I feel the need for some jerk chicken now. I'd love to see this exhibit. I will be in New Mexico, but not going to venture any further west than that on this upcoming trip. Would love to be near a larger burban area, her photography looks grand! You are lucky to have met her indeed!


  3. Sounds wonderful ~ say a prayer for me back here in New England ~ enjoy ^_^ ~ namaste, Carol (A Creative Harbor)

  4. The work of your friend Gina sounds wonderful. I sure love the color and emotion of the photo you shared--along with your haiku description of what was invoked in you when you saw it. Thanks.

  5. oh gemma...everything about this has me missing you so!
    thank you for coming to san miguel with me dear one...thank you for your brave wild painting and the promise of more!

  6. I admire people who capture the culture and art in their pictures...Nice haiku ~

    Great to meet you ~

  7. I can't help but notice that chiles come first in your list of addictions. :)

    Shadowy Empty Room

  8. Wonderful picture of Bolivians. Love the haiku you have written. Thank you for sharing.
