Friday, August 2, 2013

Haiku My Heart friend trade

Day and Night
Creation Gourd rattle

night sky shooting stars
silver grandmother moon
 grandfather sun shine 
This wonderful gourd rattle was made and painted
by Joe Spadoman.
He sent it to me as part of an art trade we did.
 Joe told me that
in Ojibwe culture, it is said that the sound of the rattle
is the first sound that the creator gave mankind to hear.
My gratitude to you
dear Joe for this wonderful treasure.
 I will use it when necessary to
awaken my muse.
 linked to
Haiku My Heart


  1. I am so glad you liked it, and to use it to awaken your muse is a perfect way to use it. Hope it brings you joy. Thank you for the beautiful work of art you sent to me as well.
    Love the haiku too. Seemed to be a part of the rattle.

    Much Peace

  2. art from Spadoman
    rattle the creative Muse
    a sacred treasure

  3. what a fun haiku. And a great gift from Spadoman

  4. What a treasured gift ~ and fun haiku ~ enjoy ^_^

  5. You've definitely rattled my muse. Awesome rattle and great Haiku. :)

  6. Objet d'art from a friend!
    I'll bet it keeps the boo-gins away too.

  7. Nice Gemma! And it is something that I know interests you too.

  8. nothing like a gift from a friend! I like the story Spadoman shared with you.

  9. the first photo is so lovely....i immediately thought of joe,
    your haiku tells me why.
    love love love the bonds of friendship created through the act of blogging.
    gorgeous beauty.
    heartfelt friends.
