Monday, June 2, 2014

Schools out for summer!

Well except Tillie has Summer school for the next 3 weeks.
*New schedule @ gemmashouse:
6-7AM outside water garden while it is still cool
I have some small green tomatoes and some peppers
as well as herbs ready for use.

Drink coffee enjoy early morning sunlight
Write morning pages, to-do list
Eat yogurt and fruit
7:30 Tommy and Tillie come over. Watch them during the day.
8:15 Take Tillie to the bus
8:30-12:30 errands, daily project, computer time, art time, depending on the day
12:40 Tillie home eat lunch
1:00-3:00 Art projects with the kids.
3:00 Swimming /exercise.
The sun shades the pool about now.
Tommy made me a blog picture and photo bombed it :-)

Clean up mess by the pool,
hang towels,
dry clothes,
Come in.

5PMish Samantha picks up kids,
they go home,
Lee cooks dinner,
I make salad,
we eat,
quiet time,
Rotate between computer,
art projects, books,
10ish Bedtime.

*subject to change


  1. I like the caviat. My schedule is a bit simpler. Up early. Starbuck by 7 a.m. Read. Write. Visit with the other early birds. Leave eventually and run an errand or two. Home. Pray, Tackle projects. Anything accomplished is a win.

    Happy summer, Gemma.

  2. Oh Gemma, you have a busy and wonderful schedule. Hooray for you!! I wish I had a swimming pool. I won't go swimming in the public pools but I sure do miss swimming. Love your lists of things to do and how you do spend time for yourself. Bravo!!

  3. Oh sorry, my mind is just floating here and there. I forgot to also wish you a happy summer and beautiful month of June.
