Tuesday, June 10, 2014

SOC week #1

After I found out this weeks palette for "Summer of Color"
I photographed a large painting I am working on. 
Then I edited it digitally
by adding the colors:
 aqua, yellow and a splash of hot pink.

Linked to 
Summer of Color
Join us!



  1. Very dramatic piece and I'm intrigued as to how you achieved this.


    1. PicMonkey added colors played digitally.

    2. Thanks, I don't know PicMonkey, something else to investigate.

  2. Way to go Gemma. I'm so happy to see you in your colors.:) I hope you have a lot of fun. Happy week to you and I hope you are doing good.

  3. So beautifully done..gorgeous..fabulous for SOC!

  4. That's a great idea...and a beautiful painting.

  5. Great image ---and it looks wonderful with the SOC scheme. I did about the same thing. I took something else I was working on and changed the colors. Thanks for stopping by to view mine and for your kind comment.

    I also found your Journal pARTy blog and wanted to leave a comment there, but since I couldn't, I sent you an email about a post I particularly liked.

  6. pic monkey! I must give this a go, what a great effect!

  7. Love the bold, solid colours. : )

  8. I've never tried anything digital but I am very impressed by your creation here!

  9. I love a sneak peek...
    you are a wiz at picmonkey!
    ♥ ♥ ♥

  10. The edits are really fun...I hope we get to see the finished painting sometime.

  11. Abstracts are so fun. I will have to look into pic monkey again. I used it to create a collage once. Good job!

  12. Oh wow! This is simply fabulous and a wonderful way to used the SOC colors!

  13. really interesting! I have PSE10 but have played with only a few of the many capabilities. great SOC entry!

  14. Excellent idea for SoC. I don;t have the patience to play arond digitally or the know-how lol. Thank you for your rousing comment on my wee bat :D

  15. I had intended to visit earlier in the week, but I've been bogged down with HUGE blog hops each day this week. I hope to stop by earlier this week. Yes, I agree. It's hard to keep track when you aren't playing in the same challenges, but you are right. I haven't played in IA for at least nine months.

    I like what you did digitally. I saw your comment that you used PicMonkey. I've never been able to get that program to work for me. I use Photoshop, a very old, old version, in fact. Regardless, I like the way you addressed this challenge. And I like your painting, too!

  16. Wow! SO COOL you could do that!!!!

  17. That's a great idea! Would like to see the original painting too :-)

  18. Oh my goodness what vibrant colours! Another here who would love to see the original when it's done.

    Thank you for your lovely comment over at mine :) x x

  19. What a great way of getting the colour palette for SOC1 super paining too. BJ
