Friday, August 22, 2014

Haiku My heart

something remembered
at the speed of light and sound
turquoise piano

linked to 
Haiku my heart


  1. Hmmm. My comments disappear. I had said I wondered if the photo was from Winslow. Great haiku. Now, let's see if it disappears again. Google hates me. It's personal. I know it is! They seek me out. ;)

  2. I absolutely adore this piano. The color is a dream.

    1. I think the color could also inspire dreams--or stories and poems!

  3. Every once in a while, I wish I had a piano, now I'm wishing I had a turquoise one!

  4. What a great piano! I can hear the music over here and the good times played on those keys... they are part of the light in your pic and in the spaces between the words in your haiku...

  5. Oooh Gemma. What a lovely piano. I adore it!! I took lessons but found that my fingers are short and not the long beautiful fingers that are needed to play a beautiful sound. Love your Haiku.

  6. I'm in love with that piano! Someone must be tickling the ivories because I swear I can hear music wafting in the window.

  7. my darling,
    you are as unique as a turquoise piano! visiting you i am washed in memories of my father. we never had a piano. through out my childhood a piano would appear in unexpected places and even more unexpected my father would sit down and fill the air with sudden and beautiful song. so that right now all those years later i am wrapped in the gift of him.

  8. oh i LOVE the piano!!! Makes me happy and want to dance!
