Friday, September 19, 2014

haiku my heart

canning alfresco
a desert kitchen's too hot
 for these tomato's
I have always wanted an outdoor kitchen.
As it is,we do a lot of our cooking outside.  
The summer here in the desert southwest is hot.
We try to get things done early in the day and
cooking outside  keeps the house from heating up.  
This summer I even baked a cake in the BBQ.

linked to
Haiku my heart


  1. That is pretty amazing Gemma! Your haiku and the contents of those jars look delicious!

  2. Wow Gemma. You are industrious. Unlike me. Don't like to cook. Do, but don't like to. I have never canned anything. I admire you for this, and of course you already know Ah Wuvs Ya! :)

  3. A cake on the barbecue? That is impressive!

    1. Our BBQ has a temp gauge. Heated it to 350 and closed the lid. It worked.

  4. Creative haiku and creative survival in the heat of the day!

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Those jars of tomatoes look sumptuous , i lovectomatoes in any form

    Have a good weekend

    Much love...

  6. the only thing sweeter than cooking outside-is eating outside!
    you are so clever my friend. and tasty too!

  7. Yes, this sounds wonderful, the ultimate minimalism! No cleaning the kitchen stove etc, outdoor living would suit me down to the ground, When I visited Greece a number of years ago we were told that some of the older generation still take their beds outside to sleep in the summer months - sounds divine. x

  8. Isn't it great to be outside? A cake in the BBQ! I'm intrigued. I can see why you don't want to turn on your oven in the summer. Those jars of tomatoes look luscious. They will taste so good in January!

  9. your tomatoes look wonderful! we haven't had a very hot summer and the season has turned even cooler

  10. Great idea for keeping the heat outside where it belongs!

    Cutting Winter Wood

  11. I wish I had thought of this idea years ago when I sweltered indoors during canning season!
