Friday, August 3, 2018

A wasp family
moved into an old birdhouse
the wind blew them down
This old birdhouse has been
hanging high in my large Olive tree
for a number of years.

The other day a windstorm
blew it down.
Broken open, we could see the
it's residents
were not
linked to
Haiku My heart


  1. Everyone needs a home, even wasps. I hope they find a new hangout soon---and probably far away from YOUR home, right?

  2. Creative photo and lovely nature haiku ~

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  3. What an amazing find, also frightening. . .Wasps scare me to death! Have a grand weekend!

  4. Thanks for sharing your haiku find. Have a lovely Sunday Gemma

    much love...

  5. Send me your wasps. Inchworms are eating my bougainvillea and I read to leave them alone because they wont kill the plant and are wasp food. My local wasps cant seem to eat fast enough! :) xoxoxo

  6. I'm late dear Gemma and hope to find you again today! Crafty critters, those wasps... I skirt round them with wide respect, and hope your birdhouse can be repaired and acquire proper tenants for sure!
