Friday, December 31, 2010

Wheel of the year

Miss *R* shared something fun on her blog today....and ask us to share the same.
She took the first sentence of a post done on every month of 2010.
Since gemmashouse was closed for a season,
I'll start when I reopened gemmashouse blog on the vernal equinox:

March 2010: "A new season brings me back here"

April 2010:  "A dreamy morning sleeping in."

May 2010:  "In the very merry month of May..."

June 2010: "Several Hummingbirds live in our Olive trees."

July 2010:  "I send the energy of love and gratitude to the waters and all living creatures
in the Gulf of Mexico and its surroundings." from prayer by Dr. Emoto

August 2010:  "The cat is hiding in the asparagus fern."

September 2010 : "Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam,"

October 2010: "A local farm has a huge Pumpkin and Chile Festival every October."

November 2010:"Hello little bird"

December 2010:"Light of the stars, new moon one percent of full."

This was fun! A good year all in all!


  1. you and i both spoke to birdies last year! xo

  2. Sounds like it was a great year. HAPPY NEW YEAR, GEMMA!! Thanks for sharing your blogs.
