Thursday, May 1, 2014

Hummingbird haiku my heart

Little Hummingbird
swiftly swoops on rapid wings
low branch to tree top 

The little painting above was done from a photograph taken in my yard:

linked to
recuerda Mi Corazon


  1. I saw my first hummingbird last year! It was so exciting for me, 2 of them in the butterfly bush...sadly the bush didn't survive this winter, but by Memorial Day I will plant another and cross my fingers.
    I love your little painting
    with the daub-y background and the silhouette PRETTY!!!
    ♥ ♥ ♥

  2. Sweeeeeet, Gemma. Love it.

  3. I love both your painting and haiku… well done!

  4. I can watch hummers for hours, and I'm guessing you can paint them for hours as well!

  5. Lovely painting and such a 'zen like' photo and well penned haiku ~ xoxo

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  6. Love the painting, photo and haiku! Hummingbirds are such a delight, aren't they?

  7. thank you for your hummer beauty, in word and painting.
    love and miss you gemma dear.

  8. Sometimes I wish I were as swift as a bird. Beautiful painting.

  9. So lovely Gemma! Nothing is as precious as the jeweled flight of a hummer! Maybe it can lead you to some Horney Toad Lizaards... we have to find our way out of the concrete and back to the wild... thank you for sharing this with us!
